Advanced Electrolysis

Electrolysis is an advanced method of removing skin lesions such as skin tags, milia and spider Naevi as well as removing grey and fair hair.


Advanced Electrolysis is an effective way to remove a number of skin lesions such as skin tags, milia and solar keratosis, quickly and efficiently. Designed to rid you of your imperfections and boost your confidence, this treatment cauterises the lesion with an electrolysis needle and is compared to a quick small sting. 


Hair Removal Electrolysis works by disrupting hair growth down in the hair follicle. This is done by conducting heat down a very fine needle using electricity. The heat cauterises the hair bulb preventing regrowth.

This is effective in fair and grey hairs which cannot be treated using laser hair removal.
It can be done for individual hairs and is therefore effective if the hair growth is spaced unevenly.


How it works

Advanced Electrolysis.

Skin tags are quite common and usually caused by friction are are just loose fibres tissue. Removal works by cauterising the connective tissue. This is done using every through an electrolysis needle. The excess tissue is removed and a small crust is usually left behind which heels within a few days.  One treatment is often enough.

Seborrheic Keratosis is a benign skin lesion that can appear in various colours from light tan to black and are usually due to sun exposure and age.    These are removed with an advanced electrolysis needle that cauterises the excess skin tissue in the lesion.  

Milia are small, hard, round, white, nodules slightly raised above skin level.  They are keratin-filled small cysts with are usually seen around the eyes.   Milia is treated with the tiny electrolysis needling being inserted into the milia and the current applied.  Often a popping sensation can be felt.   The skin heels within a few days.   


Hair Removal Electrolysis works by sending a current from a metal probe down each individual hair, a combination of this electrical current and a chemical reaction kills it at its root, thereby stopping any regrowth. This is ideal to treat any fair or grey hair which can’t be treated with our Laser Hair Removal.

Hair grows in cycles and not all hair follicles are in the growth stage at the same time. It is essential that the hair shaft is present in the hair follicle for the treatment to be successful, which means a course of treatments are required to ensure that all hairs are treated effectively.
The hair needs to be a minimum of 5mm in length from the skin for treatment. Please do not wax, pluck, or thread as this will remove the hair from the follicle that is being targeted.


Advanced Electrolysis

Single Tag / Test Patch £75

Multiple Tags / Areas £130

Hair Removal Electrolysis

Consultation £20

20 Treatment Session £90

35 Minute Sessions £135

Questions & Answers

The electrical current being delivered into the skin or follicle can be felt, this is usually described as mild discomfort.

For Skin Treatments, excessive tissue is instantly removed and this area may be sensitive for a few hours.  We will apply a balm where necessary. 

For Hair Removal, we will carry out a test patch at the consultation to ensure your skin is suitable as well as the hair growth. We expect the skin to be flushed post treatment, this usually recedes within 24-48 hours. We will also provide an aftercare balm to use.

Yes. If your hair is dark, we would recommend Laser Hair Removal in the first instance. This will be quicker and more cost effective. We can then treat any remaining grey or fair hairs with Electrolysis.