Here at Vale Laser, we are incredibly excited to introduce a new treatment to the clinic – electrolysis.
We are delighted with this latest addition – especially for clients – because electrolysis is the answer to hair removal for women with grey, red and fair hair. Neither laser nor Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment is wholly successful in their case so when there are a few stragglers that are now grey or too fair, Well, ladies, for you, electrolysis is the answer.
Another reason we’ve chosen to introduce electrolysis to the clinic is to include it as the final stage in our laser treatment packages. That’s because laser treatment deals with large areas of hair and dark hair, but electrolysis is essential to get rid of the odd rogue grey hair. The treatment is approved by the British Medical Association (BMA) as a permanent hair removal solution.

What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis has been around for several decades as a means of permanent hair removal. But today’s devices have perfected the treatment. They destroy the point where the hair grows with heat energy or chemicals. This is achieved by inserting a fine probe into the hair follicle and then removing it with tweezers.
At Vale Laser Clinic , we provide electrolysis using the diathermy method. This involves producing heat via a high-frequency, short-wave diathermy current to destroy the hair at its follicle. The charge is via a fine needle and lasts up to three seconds.
@Healthline: “The results of electrolysis are touted as being permanent because of hair follicle destruction. In theory, having damaged hair follicles means that no new hairs are able to grow.”
Does electrolysis hurt?
Having an electrical treatment near the skin sounds uncomfortable, but it’s not. That is, not according to the millions of people who have experienced electrolysis. There may be a slight niggling feeling initially, but not the type of pain you would associate with, for instance, getting a tattoo.
Does electrolysis have side effects?
We’re pleased to say there are no real side effects from electrolysis. The skin may be a little red afterwards, as with waxing, but this will subside pretty quickly, leaving no permanent side effects.
How many treatments are necessary?
There is no average number of electrolysis treatments. It all depends, of course, on the individual, how tough the hair is or how quickly it grows. But you would expect to book at least a few sessions until the hair is gone permanently.
Sessions can be carried out weekly and usually last from a quarter of an hour to an hour. At Vale Laser Clinic , we always offer a consultation before treatment starts.